Thursday, August 12, 2010

Working with LGBTQ Families

Six to twelve million children in the United States come from LGBTQ families, yet unfortunately the research exists indicating that school counselors are sorely lacking in their knowledge and abilities to serve this population. An important goal is to help children become aware and knowledgeable (and, in my opinion, accepting) of all types of diverse families.

To help in this process, if you're school district is willing, I recommend Todd Parr's book, "The Family Book" which includes depictions of all types of families, including those with two same-sex parents.

Also, if you're interested in this topic, check out the paper I wrote for my multicultural class in the resources section. It is entitled "Considerations for School Counselors working with LGBT Families."

Here are some of the recommendations:
1. Advocate increasing access to information about LGBT families.
2. Support and advocate for student clubs, such as Gay-Straight Alliances.
3. Be a supportive adult in the school for LGBT parents and children. Encourage LGBT parent participation in their children's schooling.
4. Get trained in LGBTQ issues. Become aware of the LGBTQ population in your community.
5. Advocate for comprehensive safe-school policies that encompass sexual-orientation and gender identity.
6. Advocate for comprehensive state safe-school legislation.

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