Sunday, December 12, 2010
Site You Should Know About: Alliance for Excellent Education
Great Workshop Website: Regulation of Unpaid Internships The Uncertain Future
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Site You Should Know About
Best Blogs for School Counselors!
Skimming news stories and headlines related to your industry is easier if you visit these blogs.
- ASCA Scene: You'll have to become a member with the American School Counselor Association website in order to view their blog that fuels discussion about policies, tips, and more. Recommended Posts: From the discussion board:Graduate Student – Tips for Portfolio and Compassion
- SU School Counseling Program Blog: Although this blog is filled with personal stories and news relating to Suffolk University's school counseling program, school counselors at the university level and below will find inspiring testimonials about working in the industry and reaching out to students. Recommended Posts:Proposal for Graduate Certificate in College Admission Counseling andRemember the SATs?
- Ohio School Counselor Association Blog: There's a lot of Ohio-focused news on this blog, but also good tips and information about school counseling in general. Recommended Posts: Free Cyber-Bullying Resources from Federal Trade Commission and Registration Open for 2nd Annual International Conference for Educators to Support LGBTGIA Youth
- FSCA Blog: The news blog for the Florida School Counselor Association archives headlines about new initiatives, policy and legislation, and ideas for activities you can bring to your school. Recommended Posts: NSCH 2007 Mental Emotional Well-Being of Children Chartbook and Teen Dating Violence and Abuse Policy Requirements
- The American Counseling Association Weblog is full of thoughtful, helpful posts from counselors writing to help other counselors. Recommended Posts: One Approach to Helping Young Girls Today and Coaching and Attention Deficit Disorder
- The School Counseling Guide: This blog, organized like a social message feed, tackles school counseling topics in five major categories: academic, career, emotional, personal and social, and is written by school counselors. Recommended Posts: Study Skills Group Agenda and Assessing Threats of School Violence: Implications for Counselor
Friday, October 1, 2010
Release Statement from GLSEN, PFLAG, and the Trevor Project on Recent Tragedies
Recently, there has been heightened media attention surrounding the suicides in New Jersey,Texas, California, Indiana, and Minnesota of several youth who were known to be bullied relentlessly because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
These horrific stories across the country reflect on school bullying culture and how it can lead to tragedy. Such cases are not new, but actually do reveal an important trend: the public is becoming more informed and in tune to the realities that adversely affect our youth. However, it is now up to the public to not just be aware, but to be active in changing this reality.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
LGBTQ Teens and Suicide
Monday, September 20, 2010
Bullying Prevention Week: October 4-10
My New Fave Book: My Mouth is a Volcano!
I'm sorry!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
What I'll Be Reading this Weekend: The Girls
Website You Should Know About: Transition Year!
" Whether you need help picking a school that is the best fit, are looking for tips on managing stress once on campus, or want guidance in making a smooth transition for a student dealing with an issue like depression, this site has the tools and information you need. The Transition Year is an online resource center to help parents and students focus on emotional health before, during and after the college transition.
It's common to assume that the major obstacle in adjusting to campus life will be academic. However, research shows that emotional issues are most likely to interfere with success at college. Transition Year helps you prepare."
Sounds great to me!
Gosh, time does fly! Let's talk about...Cyberbullying!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Read Read Read
And the school year begins!
Welcome back folks! And the school year begins. Some of you may be just beginning your Master's program, others of you may be beginning your second year and that means beginning your internship, getting involved at your on-site internship (whether school or otherwise) and a whole gag of other wonderful things. For my internship site I had the wonderful opportunity of attending a bibliotherapy seminar this morning, and for the next couple of posts I thought I would share some of the books I learned about. Feel free to check them out for yourself!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wonderful Websites: TWO College Websites
Study Skills Resource
And we're back!
Here's what I promise: I will try to keep up this blog throughout the year.
Here's what I ask of you: Please don't be too sad if my posts are more sporadic.
Unfortunately, I am going to have to take a break from my work at the American School Counselor Association this year due to my time commitments at internship, but I hope to keep up on this blog the high quality and interesting breadth of information that I have been able to provide thus far.
And we're off!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Gone fishin'!
More assessments!
Assessments, Exploration Resources, Workforce Preparation:
My Student Edge. Com:
Holland Party Game:
O*Net Computerized Interest Profiler:
Wonderful Websites: Education Planner & Campus Compare
Check out:
1. Education Planner:
Education Planner is a free website that allows students to think about college, choose a college, and then learn about paying for college. Students can build their resumes, compare colleges, learn how NOT to choose a college, and more!
2. Campus Compare:
Campus Compare is this awesome site that allows students to explore colleges based on size, area of the country, majors offered, their career goals, extracurricular offerings, etc etc etc. They can compare colleges, learn about their chances of getting in, and calculate their financial aid. It's a great website!
Classroom Management Resources
1. If you're a GW student, take the one credit course being offered in the spring if you can.
2. As I mentioned before- sign up for the ASCA SCENE Groupsite and share your woes with experienced school counselors! They are ripe with advice and willing to help you out!
3. Check out these awesome resources:
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Working with LGBTQ Families
Six to twelve million children in the United States come from LGBTQ families, yet unfortunately the research exists indicating that school counselors are sorely lacking in their knowledge and abilities to serve this population. An important goal is to help children become aware and knowledgeable (and, in my opinion, accepting) of all types of diverse families.
Wonderful Website: Ed Data Express
Bullying Books!
Band- ‐Aid Chicken by Becky Henton
Billy Bully by Ana Galan
Bullies Are A Pain in the Brain by Trevor Romain
Bully B.E.A.N.S. by Julia Cook
Carla’s Sandwich by Debbie Herman
Don’t Laugh At Me by Steven Seskin and Allen Shamblin
Good- ‐Bye Bully Machine by Debbie Fox and Allan Beane
Hey Little Ant by Phillip and Hannah Hoose
Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Bullies by Howard Binkow
Jungle Bullies by Steven Kroll
Just Kidding by Trudy Ludwig
My Secret Bully by Trudy Ludwig
Nobody Knew What To Do by Becky Ray McCain
Oliver Button Is A Sissy by Tomie DePaola
One by Kathryn Otoshi
Our Friendship Rules byPeggy Moss and Dee Dee Tardif
Say Something by Peggy Moss
Simon’s Hook: A story about teases and put- ‐downs by Karen Gedig Burnett
Stop Bullying Bobby! by Dana Smith Mansell
Stop Picking On Me by Pat Thomas
The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill
Trouble Talk by Trudy Ludwig
College and K-12 Career Counseling!
Career One Stop:
Students and Career Advisors:
The Riley Guide:
Online Career Assessments
Work/Life Balance Calculator:
Values Card Sort:
Kiersey Temperament Sorter:
The Big 5 Personality Test:
Jist Publishing:
Skills Profiler:
Special Population #3: LGBTQ
Human Rights Campaign State of the Workforce:
HRC Employer Database:
HRC Corporate Equality Index:
•Gay Financial Network:
•Queer Resources Directory:
•Gay Yellow Pages:
•LGBT Career Link:
•Out Professionals: http://www.outprofessionals.
Some Other Special Populations
National Institute of Corrections:
Persons with Disabilities:
Job Accommodation Network:
Enable America:
AAPD Employment Resources:
Entry Point! Internships:
Getting Hired:
AARP Employment:
Vocation Vacations: http://www.vocationvacations.
Special Population #1: Veterans
Army Career and Alumni Program:
Military Transferable Skills Identification:
Find Civilian Credentials for your Military Skills:
Find Civilian Credentials:
Military to Civilian Occupation Translator:
Military Transition Planning:
Veterans Resources:
Veterans Career Services:
Job Boards
Job Boards:
Clearance jobs:
Careers for Transitioning Military: Veteran Careers:
Job Fox:
Executive Jobs:
Technology Jobs:
The Chronicle of Higher Education:
Higher Ed Jobs:
School Spring:
After College:
Getting Hired:
Also check out the NCDA's Top Web Tools for America's Job Seekers:
Top Web Tools for America’s Job Seekers: http://associationdatabase.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Career Counseling: Employment Statistics
BLS Local Area Unemployment Stats:
State Labor Sites:
Occupational Outlook Handbook:
Occupational Outlook Quarterly:
State Occupational Projections:
Center on Education and the Workforce:
O*Net Online:
Also check out the Wall Street Journal's "Careers" Section, Money Magazine, Forbes Magazine, and any other business focused newspapers or magazines.
Career Websites Galore!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Response-to-Intervention (RTI)
RTI Links:
Intervention Central: http://interventioncentral.
RTI Wire: http://www.jimwrightonline.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My Favorite State College/Career Sites
1) Virginia Career View:
Broken down by grades K-5, 6-8, 9-12, 18+, parents, and professionals, it includes information on career and college options.
2) Learn More Indiana:
For those of you who know about the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP), Indiana has their own system to make sure that their state's guidance programs are up to snuff. How could their site not be great?
Books I Love #1: Richard Scarry
Monday, August 2, 2010
Loan Forgiveness/Deferment for School Counselors
Bunches and Bunches of Scholarship Websites, Oh My!
Provides a list of opportunities for visual artists and photographers, including contests with prizes up to $15,000.
Awards eight scholarship programs for undergraduate and graduate students, minority students, low income students, and others. Provides information on eligibility and how to apply for each program.
Wonderful Website #1: Lisa Savinon, School Counselor
Do you know about....CSCOR?
For one, if you're trying to learn more about how to conduct school counseling research or incorporate data into your practice, visit their ppts section: There you can learn about evidence-based practice, using data to plan intervnetions, and more.
Also, if you're a doctoral student, NOSCA and CSCOR offer a doctoral fellowship program that you might be interested in.
Regardless, it's a site you should know about.
Lesson Plans Galore!
1. Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Program:
K-12, elementary, middle, and high school lesson plans, totaling 352 in all, PDF downloadable.
2. Florida Dept. of Education Career and Guidance Lesson Plans:
Contains lesson plans for K-12, broken down by age group, focusing on careers, interpersonal communication, self management, and more. Each lesson comes in a PDF or Word Doc for your use.
What Money is Being Spent on Our Kids?
I recently had the opportunity to attend First Focus' Children's Budget Summit, and I learned some pretty deplorable statistics. Overall, less than 10% of our federal budget is spent on all children's programs.
To learn more about federal spending on children, check out the following resources:
1. Kids Share 2010:
Kids Share 2010 is the fourth annual examination of the federal spending trends and tax policies that support and affect children and families. This years report finds that less than one tenth of the federal budget was spent on children in 2009.
2. Children's Budget Summit:
Download the powerpoint presentations, download the booklet on the 180 policies, and learn how depressing the whole subject really is.
For those of you in Quantitative Methods...
And for those of you trying to keep track of all that time you spend working with kids and clients, check out their Time Tracker program as well!
Do you know about...Counselor's Room?
Fantastic Blog #2: School Counselor Blog
Do you know about...CESCaL?
Fantastic Blog #1: Books that Heal Kids
This is written by an elementary school counselor and ASCA member. She posts about different books she uses in bibliocounseling in her work as a school counselor. Wonderful resource if you're looking for books to use in your internship or work. Great character education resource.