Sunday, December 12, 2010

Site You Should Know About: Alliance for Excellent Education

The Alliance for Excellent Education is this awesome site that has all this information about what is going on currently in the world of education. For instance, want to know where the US stacks up against other countries for education? The PISA 2009 results are right on their website, right now. Or go check out the actual stats here.

Want to know more about College Access? Visit here. They have issues briefs, facts sheets, reports, press releases, and more! Everything you could want to know about what's going on in American ed.

Need to know about the achievement gap? Try here.

They also have information on many other important topics, so go visit NOW!

Great Workshop Website: Regulation of Unpaid Internships The Uncertain Future

So, GWU hosted this amazing workshop on Unpaid Internship back in October entitled The Regulation fo Unpaid Internships: The Uncertain Future which basically discussed how the Fair Labor Standards Act is applicable today to internships and whether or not unpaid internships, in the private, public, or nonprofit sectors, are legal. The weigh in? Probably not. Still, doesn't mean school counselors are going to be paid for their Master's internships any time soon!

To learn more about the conference, see YouTube videos of the panel discussions, and generally get all the awesome dish, visit this website: Regulation of Unpaid Internships

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Site You Should Know About

New Site You Should Know About: Teaching Tolerance, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, is a wonderful site that includes a variety of classroom activities and teaching kits that can be used to help teach students about tolerance. Included in the website is the DVD Bullied: A Student, a School and a Case That Made History. For any school counselors who have not seen this DVD, I implore you, GO SEE IT NOW. Order your free copy from this website! It truly is an important message about tolerance that we all need to remember. You can order your free copy and learn more about the DVD here:

In addition, take some time to learn more about the amazing organization that is the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have some amazing resources that can be helpful to school counselors that can be located here:, including:

Best Blogs for School Counselors!

Masters Degree has made our lives easier! They have named the 50 top blogs for school counselors! Visit the following site to find out more:

Or read here:

Skimming news stories and headlines related to your industry is easier if you visit these blogs.

  1. ASCA Scene: You'll have to become a member with the American School Counselor Association website in order to view their blog that fuels discussion about policies, tips, and more. Recommended Posts: From the discussion board:Graduate Student – Tips for Portfolio and Compassion
  2. SU School Counseling Program Blog: Although this blog is filled with personal stories and news relating to Suffolk University's school counseling program, school counselors at the university level and below will find inspiring testimonials about working in the industry and reaching out to students. Recommended Posts:Proposal for Graduate Certificate in College Admission Counseling andRemember the SATs?
  3. Ohio School Counselor Association Blog: There's a lot of Ohio-focused news on this blog, but also good tips and information about school counseling in general. Recommended Posts: Free Cyber-Bullying Resources from Federal Trade Commission and Registration Open for 2nd Annual International Conference for Educators to Support LGBTGIA Youth
  4. FSCA Blog: The news blog for the Florida School Counselor Association archives headlines about new initiatives, policy and legislation, and ideas for activities you can bring to your school. Recommended Posts: NSCH 2007 Mental Emotional Well-Being of Children Chartbook and Teen Dating Violence and Abuse Policy Requirements
  5. The American Counseling Association Weblog is full of thoughtful, helpful posts from counselors writing to help other counselors. Recommended Posts: One Approach to Helping Young Girls Today and Coaching and Attention Deficit Disorder
  6. The School Counseling Guide: This blog, organized like a social message feed, tackles school counseling topics in five major categories: academic, career, emotional, personal and social, and is written by school counselors. Recommended Posts: Study Skills Group Agenda and Assessing Threats of School Violence: Implications for Counselor